Last weekend was pretty crazy and busy, but it was also a LOT of fun! Maria participated in a Triathlon and did AMAZINGLY well! Here she is a couple hundred yards before the finish line!

While Maria was in town and we had some time to spare, we headed over to
Grant's Farm, and it was SO COOL!!! I wasn't expecting much going into it cause I had heard that it's kind of like a zoo, but there were buffalo, mini horses, an elephant and antelope, and this giant guinea pig mixed in with some ducks...

Oh and you could feed the goats there too. Here's Anna and Maria feeding a baby goat.

Ben got to feed the goats too!

And of course Aaron enjoyed his time with the ladies.

If you've got some free time, I recommend going. There's a fun tram ride with fun facts along the way and one cup of free beer for the adults in the food court.
This coming weekend I will be in California for Aaron's brother's wedding, so there will be more posts and pictures to follow. And on the flights there and back I'm going to finish the first Harry Potter book because I've finally given in and decided to give reading the books a try. I'm not a huge fan of the movies, but that may all chance once I read the books.
Enjoy the beautiful weekend because this summer is FLYING by!!!!