Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Mid-April Roundup

I haven't gotten to update since my terrible, horrible, no-good, very bad day.
Work has been busy busy busy and overwhelming recently. Last week, I was all alone in the office for three days, and don't forget, I've only been working there for 2 months...TWO. I had to answer all the phone calls, enter orders (mine AND everyone else's orders) and try to take care of customers...all of the customer. Eek. It was a rough three days, and this week I have not only been catching up, but had quite a few projects thrown onto my pile of things to do. And no, I'm not complaining - I love it when my day flies by! It's just exhausting and I don't want to look at a computer screen when I get home, hence the lack of blogging recently.
Anyway, April has flown by quickly, and thankfully, I have a 3-day weekend to look forward to starting tomorrow evening :)
I have not gotten to finish knitting my sock yet :( I have not gotten to walk Elphie nearly as much as I've wanted to (stupid weather!). I HAVE planted some flowers for the front porch, but the temp dropped last night, so I don't know if they'll make it through the weekend :( I hope to have more excitement to write about next time....but for now, I'm going to quit looking at my computer, snuggle up with boyfriend, and enjoy the rest of my evening!!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

KT and the Terrible, Horrible, No-Good, Very Bad Day


Morning traffic wasn't too bad, but someone almost clipped my car just a few miles away from work. At first, I worried that it was a bad omen for the start of the day, but I shrugged it off. I should have known better.

At the office, a program we have should, in theory, work pretty well, but it doesn't and I deal with it ALL. DAY. LONG. Annnd I'm still the new kid, so sometimes I don't know if its my stupidity messing something up, or the stupid program. Generally, I need to ask someone, but I'm tired of being the new kid with millions of questions. I would like to work one day where I don't annoy someone with my questions that everyone else knows but me. After 8 hours of built up frustration, I headed home but....I got stuck in traffic, adding more frustration! I did a lot of loud sighing, yelling, and shaking of my steering wheel and decided that if I didn't go for a run, I would literally implode.

I grabbed my sneakers, got the dog on the leash, and headed out for a run. Elphie decided to run directly beneath each of my steps, my headphones wouldn't stay in my ears and apparently the running shirt I was wearing had shrunk, revealing my stomach conveniently whenever I ran past neighbors. Grrrreat. Elphie continued to run under my feet so I had to keep slowing down or jumping around her while I was running and trying to pull my shirt down. Then Elphie had to make an extended stop for a potty break....except she couldn't really get the job done. (Don't read the rest of this paragraph if you have a weak stomach or are grossed out by poop stories. Otherwise, get over it.) Elphie stopped for a number two, but it got stuck on her fur and I thought "If she runs, surely it will fall right off!" so I start running again but 3 step into it (also in the middle of the road), she decided that running wasn't going to get the poop off her fur...and just sat down...did I mention this was in the middle of the road? After much coaxing and pulling on her leash, we finally made it safely to the sidewalk. She shook off the stubborn poo and suddenly, somebody got the squirts - and it wasn't me. Thank God no neighbors were around. After the bodily functions were complete, we still had a bit to go, so we started running again and for 2 seconds it was great! Yes! Finally air in my lungs! Deep Breaths! and suddenly...OUCH! Sharp pain in my right lung! Eek! Excruciating pain in my left shoulder! Dear Lord - will this run ever end?!
Finally, I gave up and said, "F this run, I'm walking home".

Today was NOT my day.
In fact, today was a terrible, horrible, no-good, very bad day.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Sock it to me baby!

Ok, what is with the weather? This weekend was beautiful and in the 80's - hello walks in the park in shorts and a tank top! I even set out a nice spring wardrobe but when I woke up...IT WAS RAINING AND IN THE 40's!

Boo hiss.

On the bright side, there was a rocking thunderstorm last night! And after wearing black and grey to work today and watching tv under blankets and a hoodie, I forced myself to pick up knitting needles and make something.

I began knitting....a nose warmer!!


It is the toe of a sock. That's right, I FINALLY picked up my needles and started making a sock - from the toe up! The beginning was rather frustrating and small, but I pushed through and now have the beginning of a sock!

I'll keep you posted on its progress :)