Who doesn't love a good afternoon at the ballpark?

I went to beautiful Busch Stadium and saw my Cardinals get creamed (12 - 5) by the Brewers on Saturday :( But the weather was wonderful; hot, but not humid and sunny with a very slight breeze.

It was a great day at the ballpark and I got some pretty cool shots with the sun setting over the stadium

And of course I got one of me in front of the field. It's hard to beat a care-free Saturday at the ballpark!
Updates of the Elphster

She sheds constantly. I can't even keep up anymore. I can brush her for a half hour and accumulate a fur ball like the one in the picture above and she'll STILL shed like I didn't even brush her. Sometimes you have to know when to pick your battles.
Also, I took her to the dog park in St. Charles last week. A friend from work takes her dog there and I had some time to kill a few nights ago so Elphie and I hopped in the car and ventured off to the dog park. She's been to a dog park one other time when we lived in Washington but got really scared because it was a small dog area and there were already lots of dogs who were suddenly bombarding her with attention. Mind you, Elphie loves attention, but when she's in a place new to her and is the smallest dog in the bunch, she gets freaked out very easily (which I feel is natural for most animals and occasionally for humans). Needless to say, there was much cowering, snarling and peeing. Since then I haven't really had the chance or need to take her to a park until I've recently moved to an area without a big and safe enough yard to run around off leash.
This time I was determined to make this experience a better one. I packed up a bowl, extra water, a ball, some poop bags and headed to the park. When we got there I noticed this park was much bigger than the one in Washington with ample room to run from overbearing dogs with ridiculous amounts of energy. Elphie did great and ran around for a bit with some of the other dogs. But then a group of pit bulls showed up. Now don't get me wrong, pit bulls are wonderful dogs, but they have SO much energy! And Elphie got circled by the pit bull gang. Freaked out, she ran to me and and didn't leave my side the rest of our time at the park. What a weenie. But I don't think she piddled everywhere this time and she seemed to enjoy herself more than she did a year ago at the dog park. I hope to make this a more regular outing (hopefully at a dog park closer than St. Chuck) so she doesn't chicken out on me again.
Hope every one is having a wonderful holiday weekend! Until next time...