Dear Blog and Blog Followers,
I know it's a Friday night and I should be out enjoying the night life, but I have a ridiculous week ahead of me, so I'm staying low key. I chatted with my Padre (Happy Birthday, 2 days ago, dear father of mine!), I've had a quiet little dinner and played with my pup. Most likely, I'll be knitting and watching a movie the rest of the evening and hitting the hay early. Oh, and did I mention I'm enjoying a wonderful glass of red wine? MMmmm...
As for life, it's been, busy!
I'm in a musical! The Magdalen Players are putting on their annual show, and this year it's Annie Get Your Gun. And no, I'm not Annie, but our Annie is a fantastic person for the role! I am, however, playing the principle part of Dolly - Frank Butler's assistant. The actors are great and the show will be very entertaining, so if you're in the Lou next weekend looking for something to do, head over to the Msgr. Meyer Youth Center for some good laughs.
I'm still working two jobs. Eh. That's all I've got to say about that.
I sleep!
[shhh! I'm sleeping!]I've been researching Bridesmaids dresses for Christen's wedding and haven't found anything that impresses me. Who knew finding a deep purple, long dress that can be fitted anywhere in the nation would be so difficult? David's Bridal has been a bust so-far, so if anyone has good ideas, send them my way!
I've been catching up on Glee. The music has been great this season, and don't get me wrong - I love seeing Uncle Jessie dance and sing, but I feel that this season has been more about star cameos than a good plot. Anyone remember
Imagine from the Hairography epsiode? I still cry when I watch it. Hopefully, the happy medium will resurface soon.
I went on a trip to Tennessee! (Are you from Tennessee? Cause you're the only Ten-I-See!) I road tripped with Russell, Jim and Laura, stayed in a cabin with some more friends and had a blast! Laura, Danielle, and I even went ziplining one afternoon. It was a very relaxing weekend and our cabin was amazing - 4 floors, a pool table and air hockey, flat screen tv's, 2 hot tubs, and decks for every floor! And all the trees were changing color so it was beautiful, of course!
[The road to the cabin]
[The group minus Jim & Laura who were *scoff* napping. How dare they!]
[Danielle, Laura, and me getting ready to take on the ziplines.]
[Russell and I took our pumpkins to TN and carved them!]
[The view]I've been researching Grad Schools. I'm looking into pursuing a Master's in Speech Pathology. It's a growing field with plenty of jobs, I'd get to work with youth, and it'd put my brain back to work. Unfortunately, it won't happen unless I get myself a lot of scholarships and teaching/research assistant positions along the way. AND I'd have to take the GRE (commence the nervous breakdowns and shaking in my boots). I'll keep you updated as I go along. I plan on completely diving into my search once the musical is over.
And last but not certainly not least, I've been getting so excited about Thanksgiving already! Weird, right? I have been craving green bean casserole ever since I saw a recipe in Real Simple magazine. And every time I start thinking about the casserole, I think about all the other yummy finger foods, turkey and drinks I'll be having. I am SO very excited!
That's my life in a nutshell, for now. Have a safe a wonderful weekend my friends!