Friday, November 20, 2009

Thank Goodness

Thursday is Thanksgiving!!!! Can you believe it?

The holiday season is upon us and the year has flown by! Fortunately, I have my Charlie Brown Christmas Tree all set up in my room and some spiced wine to welcome the jolly season! I've decided that until the holiday of thanks arrives officially, I'm going to blog about things I'm grateful for being in my life.

Day 1 of Thanks: Elphaba Lincoln McGruff III, Esquire.

Yes, my dog. She's a silly little pup with short, stubby legs, but I have learned some lessons from the little rascal. Every morning, she's always very excited to be alive and to go outside and play or bark at chipmunks. She's always happy and is determined to get the people who wouldn't pet her yesterday to pet her today. And when I've had a rough day at work, who is always waiting for me with a wagging tail? Elphie! She reminds me to be hopeful, be silly, bark when the leaves roll by, and enjoy sunbathing. I am ever so thankful for my little pup!

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