It's October in Saint Louis...and it's still balls to the wall hot!
(Though I won't complain too much because I will surely miss the warmth once winter is in full swing.)
I will say, however, that it ruined my pumpkin patch experience this fall. Perhaps I am just used to fall in Washington (I miss it SO much!), but I was expecting a bit of a crisp weekend, some roaming around a local farm to find a good pumpkin and a tasty caramel apple...and got NONE of those things. Sunday was in the 80's when we went to Stuckmeyer's Farm, which was waaaay overcrowded with the not-so-classy people of Fenton, MO and their offspring. The pumpkins were not pretty and the patch they grew in was terribly small and to make matters worse, the caramel apples SUCKED!!!! I love a crisp, juicy, granny smith apple covered in caramel and peanuts on a stick to make me a happy girl. Stuckmeyer's Farms used red apples, cut them up (no stick!), scooped them into a bowl and pour some caramel on top. Definitely not what I was expecting.
(Though I won't complain too much because I will surely miss the warmth once winter is in full swing.)
I will say, however, that it ruined my pumpkin patch experience this fall. Perhaps I am just used to fall in Washington (I miss it SO much!), but I was expecting a bit of a crisp weekend, some roaming around a local farm to find a good pumpkin and a tasty caramel apple...and got NONE of those things. Sunday was in the 80's when we went to Stuckmeyer's Farm, which was waaaay overcrowded with the not-so-classy people of Fenton, MO and their offspring. The pumpkins were not pretty and the patch they grew in was terribly small and to make matters worse, the caramel apples SUCKED!!!! I love a crisp, juicy, granny smith apple covered in caramel and peanuts on a stick to make me a happy girl. Stuckmeyer's Farms used red apples, cut them up (no stick!), scooped them into a bowl and pour some caramel on top. Definitely not what I was expecting.
If you have small children, Stuckmeyer's Farm is a great place to spend an afternoon with it's variety of activities for smaller children, but make sure you go when the weather is cooler!
For those of us who do not have small children but still want to visit a pumpkin patch, I recommend Brookdale Farms. Russell, Jacob and I and had a much more pleasant experience without the crowds and screaming kiddos. We got to experience some open air, see some farm animals (even a chicken duck!), and find our way through a corn maze.
[Chicken duck!]
To make it even better, the corn maze had 10 riddles that if we found and solved, we could enter our name to win a prize! Thanks to Brookdale Farms, for saving the day!
Hopefully, fall temperatures will begin to creep its way back to St. Louis, but until then, I'll enjoy the sunshine!
Hey you...
...Yeah you!
The Blogger on the couch! And you! The one in the coffee shop!
Go outside and run around in the leaves while you laugh for no reason. It's good for you!
Enjoy this beautiful weather while it lasts!