Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Mid-April Roundup

I haven't gotten to update since my terrible, horrible, no-good, very bad day.
Work has been busy busy busy and overwhelming recently. Last week, I was all alone in the office for three days, and don't forget, I've only been working there for 2 months...TWO. I had to answer all the phone calls, enter orders (mine AND everyone else's orders) and try to take care of customers...all of the customer. Eek. It was a rough three days, and this week I have not only been catching up, but had quite a few projects thrown onto my pile of things to do. And no, I'm not complaining - I love it when my day flies by! It's just exhausting and I don't want to look at a computer screen when I get home, hence the lack of blogging recently.
Anyway, April has flown by quickly, and thankfully, I have a 3-day weekend to look forward to starting tomorrow evening :)
I have not gotten to finish knitting my sock yet :( I have not gotten to walk Elphie nearly as much as I've wanted to (stupid weather!). I HAVE planted some flowers for the front porch, but the temp dropped last night, so I don't know if they'll make it through the weekend :( I hope to have more excitement to write about next time....but for now, I'm going to quit looking at my computer, snuggle up with boyfriend, and enjoy the rest of my evening!!

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