Monday, April 4, 2011

Sock it to me baby!

Ok, what is with the weather? This weekend was beautiful and in the 80's - hello walks in the park in shorts and a tank top! I even set out a nice spring wardrobe but when I woke up...IT WAS RAINING AND IN THE 40's!

Boo hiss.

On the bright side, there was a rocking thunderstorm last night! And after wearing black and grey to work today and watching tv under blankets and a hoodie, I forced myself to pick up knitting needles and make something.

I began knitting....a nose warmer!!


It is the toe of a sock. That's right, I FINALLY picked up my needles and started making a sock - from the toe up! The beginning was rather frustrating and small, but I pushed through and now have the beginning of a sock!

I'll keep you posted on its progress :)

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