Thursday, October 22, 2009

Back in the Lou

I have just returned from a trip to the Pacific Northwest! I went to visit Aaron for his birthday and have some wonderful adventures! And I have stories to tell, of course. Unfortunately, the blogs will be terribly out of order, due to my lack of time to blog during the week. I'll start my saga with my not-so-wonderful experience in Kansas City airport on my way back to STL today:

Approximately 7:15pm CST
I HATE Kansas City Airport with an UNDYING passion. UNDYING. Not only do I have the regular hate for it because it requires me to go through security anytime I leave the gate for food, restrooms, or to go to a different gate, but I found a few new reasons to add to my hatred for this wretched airport.

There is not a single place in the Southwest terminal to go where there isn’t someone or some recording SCREAMING over the speaking making it nearly impossible to think, let alone have a conversation with anyone or talk to people in the airport. This means it’s also nearly impossible to walk around people because they can’t hear you say “Excuse me”.

Which brings me to my next point: People move ridiculously slow here. It’s like herding cattle. And it’s near rural Kansas/Missouri - need I say more? (Disclaimer: I don’t think rural Kansas or Missouri people are stupid, but they don’t ever seem to be in a rush.)

My flight was delayed. When I got off my plane the delay was 10 minutes. No big deal. It was already a 2 hour lay-over, so what’s 10 minutes, right? After picking up some magazines, I checked the screen again and what time is my flight leaving? 45 minutes delay. WTF?! I could have rented a car and driven back to St. Louis by the time I even get on my friggin plane.

There’s free internet at the airport, but it won’t let me access my blog. Again, wtf? Before I even get to post this, I will have typed up this blog entry on my computer, flown from KC to STL (God willing), drove 30 minutes to get home, let my dog out to potty and eaten food, and finally posted it on the blog, for you all to read. By then, I’m sure I’ll find a few other things to hold against the Kansas City airport.

If there is any way for you to avoid the Kansas City airport my friends, by all means, DO IT! I wouldn’t wish this kind of torture on any traveler. Safe Travels my friend.

11:06pm CST
Kansas City was not fun, but once we did get on the plane, the ride was VERY short. So short, in fact, that I was back in St. Louis well before 9pm. What was even better was walking down to baggage claim and seeing my bag be the first bag on the conveyor belt. I like St. Louis much better. Until next time...

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